I'm living with my parents for the time being, so I don't have much say in the things that get planted...regardless, I enjoy watching everything grow day by day, and the different blooms come and go. I'm so looking forward to the day that I have my own garden, and I can embark on my own adventures with planting. In the meantime, here are some pictures of what's currently growing in the O'Beirn family garden.
Honeybees love the lavender. |
A lovely white rose growing on the trellis, and the one bloom on our hardy little bougainvillea. |
Love our garden, we do. |
The sound of water from the fountain is so soothing. |
Delightful Delphiniums |
The squash plants that took over the wooooorld! These were "volunteer" squash - there were only supposed to be tomatoes in the garden, but the squash seeds were living in the compost over the winter, and have decided to pop up and take over the garden. Mystery squash! We have no idea what kind they are! There are 4-5 plants here. |
Giant pot of spearmint...left in the garden it takes over worse than the squash, so it all got pulled up and planted in this pot. Two weeks ago there were only 1-2 sprigs of mint, and now the pot is almost full. There's also a volunteer pepper plant, courtesy of the compost :) |
Adorable little cherry tomatoes |
A close-up shot of a squash blossom. They open wide in the morning, but close up in the afternoon when it gets hot |
Large green tomatoes, just a little longer until they're ready to eat! |
I love the yoda. He's so cute! You're going to have to post pictures of your mystery squash too